
List of Top 10 T-shirt Manufacturers Worldwide

If you have plans to start selling T-shirts, you’ll most likely need a good manufacturer to manufacture your T-shirts. This blog post provides a list of the top t-shirt manufacturers in the world based on the services they offer. Some of them also provide private label services at wholesale t-shirt prices.

For starters, you should know that the quality of the t-shirt depends on the quality of the material and the manufacturer creating the t-shirt, so make sure to pick premium quality material and a great manufacturer.

Here are the 10 best t-shirt manufacturers across the world.

Lezhou Garment

Locate: China  

MOQ: 100pcs per color and per design   

History: 18 years

Main products: t-shirt, tank top, polo shirt, hoodie & sweatshirt, shorts & pants

Service: one-stop clothing manufacturing service includes fabric sourcing, sampling, customized pattern/printing /embroidery, QC private label and package, shipping and custom clearance.

Website: https://www.lezhougarment.com/

We offer you a fully-customized t-shirt production service at low MOQ is why I put Lezhou Garment in the first position. In the past 18 years, we help hundreds of start-up brands build up their own brands and make 2M+ great t-shirts.

With a wide range of experience in the production of apparel, we provide you with high-quality, comfortable clothing and always give you our best support. Our mission is to help your clothing brand grow by offering one-stop customized clothing solutions worldwide. Escape from all trouble and worries by working with Lezhou- A trusted partner for your private-label clothing line.

workshop lezhou

Seam Apparel

Locate: USA

MOQ: 50Ppcs

History: More than 10 years

Main Products: T-shirts, jackets, jeans, uppers, sportswear, hoodies, leather goods, bed and bath accessories, etc.

Service: Fabric/Material Sourcing, Sampling, Pattern Making, Sizing, Grading, Marking and Bulk plus Small Quantity manufacturing along with shipping, etc.

Website: https://seamapparel.com/

seam apparel

Seam Apparel is an upcoming manufacturer that is focused on private labels. While it is located in the USA, it caters to small and large fashion brands globally. The company has approximately 10 years of garment experience and they are dedicated to serving mainly startups and big brands.

Since they are very knowledgeable in garments, they can fabricate various garment designs, patterns and materials. Thus, all you have to do is give them the design of your choice and they will do the rest.

So if you want your T-shirts to have a “MADE IN USA” tag, Seam Apparel is your best choice.

Affix Apparel

Locate: USA

MOQ: 50Ppcs

History: 10 years

Main products: T-shirts, hoodies , tops, jackets, and sportswear.

Service: material sourcing, grading, pattern designing, sampling sizing, and shipping

Website: https://affixapparel.com/

affix apparel

Affix Apparel is an upcoming apparel company specializing in private label services for small and large brands in the United States.  They offer the lowest prices among their competitors and thus attracts lots of small business as these businesses don’t have to worry about high prices and shipping rates. This company offers transparent rates hence you don’t have to ever worry about hidden charges.

One of the unique ways the company offers their customer services is via video calls. Through the use of video calls, they take clients into their manufacturing space so that clients can see their, quality standards and manufacturing methods during production.

Steve Apparel

Locate: Factory in Pakistan,company is registered in the USA

MOQ: 50pcs

History: 7 years

Main products: T-shirt, hoodie, jackets, jeans, underwear, lingerie, swimwear, hat and leggings

Service: Sample development, bulk production, private labeling, custom printing & embroidery

Website: https://steveapparel.com/

steve apparel

Steve Apparel is another great apparel manufacturer that commits to producing high-quality clothing lines for brands. Their passion is offering their clients unique customization abilities for that special personalized touch to their clothing.

They offer brand-building processes that include procedural structures to ensure the client’s brand, business or private label program receives the proper recognition in the market.

A.M. Custom Clothing

Locate: UK


History: 10 years

Main products: T-shirt, hoodie and polo shirt

Service: customized printing and embroidery, private labeling, customized packing

Website: https://www.amcustomclothing.co.uk/

am clothing

A.M. Custom Clothing is a wholesale manufacturer of high-quality printed and embroidered clothing, particularly for work wear, uniforms and retail. The company is known for offering exceptional services, great communication, great value and topnotch quality and thus have built long-term, trusting relationship with its clients.

A.M. Custom Clothing have proven its commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation time and time again. The company is very customer focused and that is why many renowned brands have A.M. Custom Clothing as their trusted suppliers. Their goal is to improve their clients’ purchasing experience with the latest technology, sustainability, market-beating prices and retail-level service.


Locate: UK

MOQ: 50pcs

History: 8 years

Main products: T-shirt, hoodie, jeans, shirt, coat, jacket, sportswear, cap

Service: Fully customized clothing service includes: fabric sourcing, pattern development, sample & bulk production, quality check

Website: https://www.hawthornintl.com/


One of the UK’s biggest clothing manufacturers is Hawthorn. This company prioritizes prototyping, concept design and full-scale production. They are dedicated to providing custom clothing for startups, SME’s and established fashion brands. They are experienced, help grows their customer’s brands into profit machines and they stay on top of the latest trends in fashion.

The Organic Tshirt

Locate: Australia

MOQ: 50pcs

History: 11 years

Main products: Organic t-shirts

Service:  Prototyping, pattern making, sampling, grading, marker consulting, cutting, production, manufacturing

Website: https://theorganictshirt.com.au/

the organic tshirt

In 2011 Sandro & Stefania founded the Organic T-shirt, to bring back fashion manufacturing to Australia. This company is a family business and its goal was to return to the slow fashion approach. This company uses Australian-made organic cotton and merino wool to manufacture its organic t-shirts.

The Organic T-shirt is a champion for the environment and thus uses 100% compostable shipping bags. These bags are made of a material that would break down where ever it lands.

Un Available

Locate: Vietnam

MOQ: 3,000pcs

History: 18 years

Main products: streetwear includes t-shirt, corduroy jackets, sweatshirts, denim pants, board shorts, hoodies and windbreakers

Service: Product development, procurement, sewing, printing, treatment, warehousing, quality control

Website: https://www.un-available.net/

un available

Un-Available is a Vietnam-based clothing manufacturer, known for producing apparel for leading global fashion and streetwear brands such as KITH and PALACE. This company offers provides full-service apparel manufacturing which includes checking fabric quality to packing list sign-offs. Clients pay a customs fee and they deliver according to tech packs and approved production samples. Un-Available is great for fast-growing brands that need a big load of quality stocks in a short time for a reasonable price.

Seam factory

Locate: Portugal

MOQ: 300pcs*2colors=600pcs

History: unknow

Main products: T-Shirt, Polos, Shirts, Hoodies, Sweaters, Jackets, Bombers, Blouses, Dresses, Skirts, Pants, Yoga pants, Leggins Shorts, Swimwear, Shoe

Service: Design & development, sampling, production, QC, packaging, shipping

Website: https://www.seamfactories.com/

seam factory

Seam factories are committed to developing and producing fashion clothing for men, women and children. They offer clients an elaborate and complete service from design to sampling creation, modelling and production. They produce 10.000 pieces per day and manage vertical orders to CMPT ensuring quality control, packaging and shipping.

Apparel Production

Locate: USA

MOQ: 250pcs 

History: 70years 

Main products: streetwear, fashion wears

Service: Full production packages includes: attern making, research and development, sample, QC

Website: https://apparelproductionny.com/

apparel production

Apparel Production is a popular garment manufacturer and supplier. This New York City-based garment company is a staple in the manufacturing world and has manufactured for well-known brands such as Kenneth Cole, Calvin Klein, and Ralph Lauren. They offer custom large-scale manufacturing and production for Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s clothing.

Some last words

These are the best T-shirt manufacturers globally if you need premium quality products. Read through this list and select the one that suits your brand’s needs the most.

Are you a small, mid-size or large clothing business looking for a trustworthy manufacturer that is offering premium quality apparel? Look no further! Lezhou will be your trusted partner and will supply your clothing from start to finish. With many years of experience in the manufacturing industry, we will make your apparel manufacturing process hassle-free as well as transparent. So don’t wait and contact us today. 


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